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Dryer expansion or just a new control?

For a Jensen Senking, Kannegieser, Lavatec of any other brand

A new dryer control for gas and steam dryers from Jensen, Senking, Lavatec, Kannegieser, Triveneta or a Vega, Voss and Passaat. The dryer control communicates with dryers so the right drying program is offered to the linen. The dryer is loaded with the desired wash batch (customer, article).  After drying, the dryer unloads the linen or terry cloth on a conveyor belt, in a laundry trolley or at a D3 clean side monorail. A new dryer control is usefull when the current control is no longer working properly and your dryers still are. And when you want to expand your existing dryer group. Regardless of year of construction or manufacture.


Control for dryers via SensoSuite

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