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Laundry sorting systems

Simple and quick

Laundry sorting systems from Senso Technics enable linen to be sorted quickly and easily by customer and article. By dividing the linen into differtent categories (articles), the washing process and drying can be optimised. Which laundry sorting system best suits a laundry often depends on the quantity of articles and volume. Sorting systems of Senso Technics consist of sorting lifts, sorting belts, sorting group with lift rail systems, sorting bins and bags. SensoSort our SensoSuite software displays weight, customer, article and buffer line destination.


We can help you choose the right laundry sorting system

Sorting lift

Simple loading system

Soil side monorail D2 lift sorting system.
The sorting lift is a simple loading system for sorting linen. With several lifts, various customers and articles can be sorted. Loading cells weighing the sorted linen electronically. With the use of our SensoSuite software customers and articles are entered and can be followed through the process of your laundry. With a sorting lift system, the logistical functions of a soil side monorail are used optimally.

Sorting bag system

Lift rail system

With a sorting group you use one central loading point. The linen arrives via a sorting belt at the right person and laundry bag. The linen is sorted per article and weighed electronically. The laundry bags can be used with a single trolley or double trolley system. By pushing a button the laundry bags are transported to the buffer lines and empty bags are supplied again. The monitors above the sorting group displays customer, article, weight and buffer line destination.

Sorting bins

Sort large volumes

The sorting bin system is an ideal solution if you process large volumes with several categories (articles). This way of sorting offers maximum continuity due to the short unloading time of the sorting bins. When the correct weight has been reached the sorting bins are unloaded automatically.

Boost your laundry performance

Contact Senso Technics

Do you also want a smart solution for your industrial laundry? Are you curious whether you can perform better in terms of performance, production and happier customers? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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