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Significant savings based on more efficient logistics

Processing hotel linen for the hospitality sector more efficiently results in a significant annual cost saving for Hotelier Linen Services. Based on the internal logistics of replacing the linen in laundry carts by hanging conveyors with a total of 250 bags, far fewer employees are required. The large dirty laundry conveyor replaces the 5 compartment conveyors, automatically loading the five washing stations.

The handling of the linen has become more transparent and efficient by the logistics solution. In addition, there is a connection with the existing Kannegiesser installation for unloading the dryers to clean conveyor where the hospitality linen is transported to the eight terry folders.
Professional advice
Hotelier Linen Service has chosen for the experience and expertise of Senso Technics. In addition to solving our logistical challenge (the laundry is only 4.5 meters high), we save with this efficiency in personnel. We also have a clear overview of the production flows and the productivity of our employees, says Agustin Rojas, Director Hotelier Linen Services.

Green, clean and at your service
Hotelier Linen Services is the new standard of excellence in South Florida. Committed to our customers, Hotelier provides dependable high quality, cost efficient and reliable service.


Boost your laundry performance

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