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Sunny times for Senso Technics

Sunny times for Senso Technics

Together with Senso Technics, Hotelier Linen Services and Crown Linen are increasing production based on efficient logistics solutions. With the weather in the NetherlandsĀ  wet, gloomy and cold, sunny days have come for Senso Technics. Currently we carrying out work in sunny Florida with Hotelier Linen Services in Miami and Crown Linen in Fort Myers.

Quality, Reliability, Cost control and Customized service
Both Hotelier and Crown Linen are leading commercial Laundry specialist and take care of the textiles for important and demanding hotels in Miami Lakes and Fort Myers by emphasizing the guiding principles: Quality, Reliability, Cost control and Customized service. In order to meet the increasing demand, both parties rely on Senso Technics to make the internal logistics process even more efficient by using conveyors, new stable machine control systems on the Batch washer and dryers and excellent overview of the entire laundry by visualization software. Hotelier goes one step further by making use of the new solution SensoPerformance. Senso Performance makes it possible to measure the productivity per article, per employee, per hour. |

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Do you also want a smart solution for your industrial laundry? Are you curious whether you can perform better in terms of performance, production and happier customers? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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