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10 years Senso Technics, since 2009

10 years Senso Technics.

Senso Technics celebrated its 10th anniversary this week. With cakes and a visit to Brugge Belgium, this anniversary was celebrated. The two owners Aad van den Berg en Marco van Hal looked back on the past years and especially also looks ahead.

With great pleasure and approprate pride we celebrate this 10 year anniversary. Innovative thinking and doing has led us Senso Technics to grow into a valued partner for industrial and commercial laundries. With our special team of employees and partners we realize projects worldwide and we look forward to the next 10 years.

Aad and Marco received a 10-year timeline printed on aluminium from the employees (see picture)

10 years Senso Technics, since 2009




Since the start of Senso Technics 10 years ago. We still enyoing our work every day and thank you for the cooperation and trust you have.

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