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Thank you for joining us at Clean 2017

Thanks for dropping by to find out more about Senso Technics and how we can help you optimize your laundry. It was great to meet you at the booth of our partners Ellis and Vega USA.

SensoView: Efficiency based on insight
Within the process and production automation, process visualisation is of vital importance. Clear insight into the various items and production flows eventually leads to higher productivity.

  • Dynamic production overviews
  • Real-time management information
  • Continuity

SensoPerformance: The performance at a constant level IMG_5551
Increasing efficiency is one of the challenges for you. Senso Performance offers the option of measuring performances. This measurement provides an insight into the number of items per machine, per employee, per hour.

  • Production improvement
  • Reduction of cost of failur
  • Monitoring App for Android and Apple

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Boost your laundry performance

Contact Senso Technics

Do you also want a smart solution for your industrial laundry? Are you curious whether you can perform better in terms of performance, production and happier customers? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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