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Control clean side monorail in Finland

For Cliini Oulun Keskuspesula Oy, a new laundry,  in Oulu Finland we delivered a control for the clean side. With several parties we have achieved a great result. In other words great teamwork with a Dunnewolt clean side monorail D3, Jensen ironers, Jensen folders. Controls and visualization by Senso Technics. The result is a beautiful, well organized laundry.

Another location

The laundry was previously located at Oulu Hospital. Due to expansion of the hospital, the laundry was asked to find a new location. The new location was found just outside the center of Oulu. The start of our project.


Start at the soil side

Control clean side monorail in FinlandThe soil side and clean side are seperate departments. In addition, both departments are shown in distinctive colors. Red has been the given color for the soil side.  Red laundry bags are reflected in the soil side monorail. At first, the soil linen arrives in containers in seperate colours bags. And emptied on a belt conveyor. Then the soil linen continues its way to a sorting belt. There the various items are sorted using bins. The sorted linen is (Temporarily) stored in storage lines. Finally the soil linen is released in one of the two Kannegiesser tunnel washer.

Control Clean side monorail in FInland Further to the clean side

Choosen is the color green for the clean side. After the Kannegiesser tunnels have carried out their washing process, the press and dryers are next. Then from the dryers, via a clean side monorail, to the storage lines. Call-of is  set to article. Seven unloading poinst where chosen for the various articles.

All in all, a seamless process across two sides, carried out by different parties.

About Clinni Oulun Kekuspesula Oy

Cliini Oulun Keskuspesula Oy is one of Finland’s largest textile maintenance and rental providers. Cliini Oulu’s customer base consists mainly of various health care and nursing facilities. Around 90 professionals, modern production technology and a central location ensure a high-quality and smooth service. Per day some 13,000 kg of laundry passes through the process resulting in 30,000 pieces of textile. Delivered clean again to health care and nursing facilities.

This is one of our projects we are proud of, of course we have many more to share. Want to know if we can make your process more productive? Feel free to contact us. We enjoy and appreciate being of service to you.

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