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Kannegiesser dryers Senso control

Kannegiesser dryers and Senso Technics control are a great combination. At Elis Laundry Services Kannegiesser has put their new dryers in operation. The existing Senso Technics control is also expent for the new dryers. The advantage for Elis Laundry is the control can be done from one workstation. Not only Kannegiesser dryers are controlled by Senso Technics, also the sorting station, Monorail system, tunnelwasher, press and shuttle.

Kannegiesser dryers Senso Technics Control

How does this Senso control works.

Soil laundry arrives into the Laundry. Customer is registered and articles are sorted. Customer, article and weight are shown on a screen above the sortingstation. When a sorting bag reaches the weight. The bag is transported via the soil side monorail system into the storage lines. With a call-off via the computer the requested linen is released into the tunnelwasher. The tunnelwasher works with the same Senso Technics control.

Kannegiessers dryers and Senso Technics control

One control for the laundry.

The new dryers do have a stand alone controls. So they have their own control. Elis prefers to use Senso control for these dryers. To make that happen we  So we give and recieve signals from Kannegiesser.





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