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New interface module for communication between machines and SensoView

The new interface module offers a generic solution for the communication between machines and SensoView software. By connecting the extension board developed by Senso Technics to a Raspberry Pi, data can be read from various machines at the laundry. This option is a simple and affordable solution and replaces communication with a PLC.

New interface module developed by Senso Technics

Raspberry Pi I/O module

The extension board has 10 galvanically separated inputs and 6 galvanically separated outputs.
Input switches between 15 and maximum 24 volts and is equipped with a control LED per channel.
Outputs switch up to 24 volts at a maximum of 500 mA. And are equipped with a control LED for each channel.
Group both the inputs and outputs.

With this new interface module, Senso Technics is responding to the ever-changing market. There is a need for generic and simple solutions for the insight into production, energy consumption and costs.

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