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Pre-sorting laundry monorail system

Pre-sorting laundry monorail system is suitable for the storage of unsorted linen. Upon arrival the unsorted bags of linen are suspended from a hook and stored in storage lines. The bags are called off from the storage lines to the sorting system.

Pre-sorting laundry monorail system

How does the pre-sorting laundry monorail system works?

Every day wrapped bags arriving. These bag have five different colours. Every colour is a group of articles. For example blue are sheets and towels. A laundry container is placed next to the hook on station. The unsorted wrapped bags are manually hooked at one trolley. One trolly contains two hooks. Loaded hooks with two bags are transported via a hook-on station. Colour recognation is done by a colour scanner. Encording bags are goint into the electric hoist. This hoist takes three trolleys and six bags to the storage lines. SensoSuite software and control system indicates the storage line of the bags. SensoSuite visualize the laundry monorail system and colours

SensoSuite laundry software solution

Control system SensoSuite indicates which colour goes to the selected storage line. Suppose that blue is the largest article group with sheets and towels, blue can be storaged in storage line 1,2,3 and 4. This depends on the number of storage lines. One colour gets several storage line destinations. The sorting station calls of the colour. In the visualisation of SensoSuite the laundry monorail and colours are visible.

After the linen is dropped, the empty hooks return their way via the empty hook lines. The’re ready for hook on station.

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