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Update regarding corona virus

We are also taking measures against the spread of the coronavirus. That is why most office employees will be working from home in the near future. You won’t notice much of this, because we can be reached by phone. The employees work in small groups to reduce the risk of infection. For the time being, this allows us to continue our services as usual.

The office is split up into small groups that rotate from home or ‘on the shop floor’. We also take separate breaks. In this way we want to prevent our daily work from being endangered by the coronavirus. The safety and health of employees and business relations is paramount, as is the continuity of our business operations and the service we provide to our customers.

Travel and visits
We cancel all non-essential travel. Our employees do not visit suppliers, customers or other relations. We move existing appointments to a later date or conduct them via audio or video. At the moment we do not receive any visitors either.

All our office staff have the possibility to work completely from home. As a result, we can normally be reached via the normal communication channels; telephone and e-mail. There is also the possibility to consult via (video) conference calls.

We realise that these are far-reaching measures. The decision to implement these measures was made on the basis of risk and potential impact. We keep a close eye on the developments surrounding the coronavirus and the reports from the RIVM and the Municipal Health Service (GGD) and tighten or extend them if necessary.


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